How does source code turn into PC games?


I understand that game developers type thousands of lines of code for a single game such as any version of a game anyone of us plays every day. How could their source code stored in many files of the game can be executed through a single application and I can play the game itself? What is their code’s journey to our PCs?

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the source code is put into an “engine”, which compiles the code and runs it. The engine will have a set of native programming modules to translate the source code instructions into what you see and experience on the screen.

While there are publicly available game engines that you can yourself program, such as Unity and Unreal Engine(the engine Fortnite is built on), most AAA video games will have their own bespoke game engine, for example the Gamebryo engine that was used to create the Fallout and Elder Scrolls games.

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