How does stabilized aqueous ozone work for cleaning?


Is it better than traditional cleaning?

I guy is selling me some machine that produces it so I can stop using traditional cleaning products.

In: Technology

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This is the first I have heard of it, so I did some research and applied my (very limited) knowledge of chemistry. On its surface, most of the links I found regarding this process were sales links in some form or another. Immediately, I would take this info with a grain of salt. Further research was not able to directly provide information on how ozone reacts with biological material. However, it is already used in well-water treatment and, as one of (if not the) strongest oxidizers we’ve ever discovered, it can break down pretty much anything. In humans, ozone can cause some pretty adverse health effects when inhaled, but those same reactions are, logically, what should be happening when ozone is applied to stains and microbes.

“Stabilized aqueous” simply means that the gas is dissolved in water, nothing more. This is a benefit to you, because you won’t be able to breathe it while it is dissolved. Since ozone is very unstable, the claim that it only leaves water and oxygen is only slightly misleading. Ozone will, in every reaction that I could find, combine or decompose into Oxygen and whatever else was involved. So, there will be some remanents of whatever else was involved (if there was iron there originally, there is going to be some form of iron in the resultant), but it will probably be safe.y stored in the waste-tank of whatever device is used.

So, long story short, I would wait to see critical reviews and studies done before claiming it is the cure-all (and totally safe), but it may work and might be worth trying if it is the same price as other traditional and well-tested cleaners.