How does the ‘black box’ in a neural network work?


Trying to understand Deep Learning but all the resources I’m finding are like: “and inside this black box is where the magic little goblin twists his dials and out comes your probability!”


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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well there used to be more focus on the workings of that black box before neutral nets went mainstream, but the thing is developing different neural net architectures is -really- complicated. And picking an architecture an model that’s already been designed and trained and treating it as a black box allows you to simply use neural nets without needing an entire course.

Also something kindof funny, one of my friends who was studying neural nets had a teacher outright state that the development was advancing so quickly that whatever he was teaching was going to be out of date by the time he graduated. So that doesn’t help 😀

Though it’s not like the info isn’t there, it’s just that the simplified version is still a lot of info. I would recommend starting here:

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