How does the body know what to do with what I ingest? like if I eat protein how does it know hey this is protein or if I take a creatine supplement how does it know what to do with that? Vitamin A vs B vs C and etc?


How does the body know what to do with what I ingest? like if I eat protein how does it know hey this is protein or if I take a creatine supplement how does it know what to do with that? Vitamin A vs B vs C and etc?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I believe that the gut has a bunch of things called protein transporters and glucose transporters that are specialized cells that deal with specific types of nutrients, carbohydrates, protein, etc. There are also specific bacterias that help break down food. Food makes its way through the stomach and then to the intestines where gastric juices/enzymes mix with the food allowing it to be easily absorbed into the blood stream. (this process starts within the mouth)

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