How does the brain hold memories?


How does something that is simply meat and tissue hold memories? Im watching a brain dissection study video and my mine is simply melting at the concept of something that looks like cauliflower and steak hold the perception of everything I know of in existence. Let alone have separate sections that control different actions. Thank you

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t know nearly enough yet, but we have think we know the concept. Memory is stored as associations. You have a huge number of neurons that are very largely connected to each other. Let’s say you’re a baby, you see a banana, your brain strengthens a specific connection between many neurons, let’s say two of them for it being the color yellow (it’s way more, but let’s make it simple). Now whenever you think of a banana you’re actually passing signals through this connection along with the others related to the banana. Next week you see a yellow bus, this also signals through those two neurons from the banana, so you start building a second set of connections that are connected to the banana at the yellow concept. Now you think of bananas when you see a yellow schoolbus. Then you try candy, it forms connections that overlap with the sweetness connection in the banana. Of course you start with far simpler things like as building blocks and you connect different neural networks at the overlapping concept. When you have seen, touched, smelled and heard so many things, you have a complex network of associations. It’s all relative to each other, but some things are completely independent. That is how we think memory is stored. It’s like taking a random object and assigning it to something you’ve sensed, and connecting it to other objects in how they’re related over time.

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