How does the concept of a wet nurse work? If continuously given a newborn while nursing a 2YO, does she continue to produce milk until there isn’t another baby?


I also know that a nursing woman’s body can adapt the milk to provide for what the baby needs, but how does that work when the newborn needs a ton of stuff and the 2 year old needs something specific?

(I’ve been reading a lot of historical fiction lately)

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a perfect world the woman’s body would produce until the baby no longer needs it. And the wet nurses do the same or help supplement the mother. Like I don’t produce enough milk and everytime my milk would come in (after delivery) I was unable to produce and got an infection making the breast rock hard and unable to touch let alone feed. However the pediatrician just told me yesterday 2years old is a perfect time to wean.

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