How does the cooking method impact so much on the actual taste of the food?


Obviously I’m not talking about what you add during the different preparations, but just about the way you cook something.

Like boiling VS roasting broccoli. Boiled broccoli smells and tastes like death and despair, but the second you roast them they’re absolutely delicious.

Or eggs, hard boiled eggs taste completely different from when they are cooked in a pan.

Or again meat, roasted meat is completely different from boiled meat even if you add little to no other ingredients during the cooking process.

In: Other

7 Answers

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Because you are cooking different parts of the food at a different pace. That way you have different textures, and texture affects taste as much as composition itself.

If you boil, water gets everywhere and the food is cooked homogeneously.

If you roast, you only toast the surface, while the insides cook less, thus creating a crunchy coating.

If you grill, you roast while the food looses part of its fat/liquid.

If you fry, you boil and also add fat to the food.

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