How does the government actually take in and spend money?


Is there just some big bank account, and do they just write a check/ is there some sort of government wire transfer system? Every time I hear something like “US approves $55 million in spending” how do they actually spend it? Where does that money come from and who gets it?

In: Economics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I like the analogy with the human body. Just like the body has organs that do specific jobs, the government is divided into specific parts that do specific stuff. You can see currency as ‘blood for the body’. Money is universal, and so is blood for the body. Blood contains different stuff which works differently depending on where it is absorbed, and so does money. The government money flows in specific ways, just like blood does in our bodies.

It’s a very delicate balance really. Not sure if that made you understand it any better…

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