How does the human body figures out what is “food” and what is a “liquid”, how does it sort it out?


This is something that has always puzzled me.

How does your body understands that these minuscule substances (like spices or seeds) aren’t liquid but instead considered food, and, how does it manages to sort out everything when your stomach has a bunch of things on it at the same time?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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Your stomach doesn’t sort anything. It just mashes it all together and breaks solids down then passes it into your intestines. Your intestines work to extract nutrients (to include water) from that mash. Water molecules are really small so they get absorbed rather quickly/easily.

Now as to how your body separates out various nutrients from water, that is going to include your kidneys, liver, and other parts of your body (like fat cells to store energy).

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