How does the human brain categorize memories and know if they were real events, fantasy or a lie?


How does the human brain categorize memories and know if they were real events, fantasy or a lie?

In: 21

18 Answers

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It doesn’t really know, other than by cross referencing other memories.

You almost certainly have memories that aren’t real, but rather fabricated from stories people have told you about something you did.

You know all about that time you got super upset at your 4th birthday party, right? Remember it like it was yesterday? Or are you just remembering someone else’s memory of what you did? How can you tell?

Eyewitness testimony is considered a very poor form of evidence in court because the memory is malleable. Do you truly remember what you saw, or has your brain superimposed what you saw on TV later over your original memory?

You go back and edit memories all the time, and they become increasingly unreliable.

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