How does the internet work, and why do we need wi-fi to use it?


How does the internet work, and why do we need wi-fi to use it?

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5 Answers

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The internet works by passing messages between devices. The device at each end of this connection could be a traditional laptop or desktop computer, or a smartphone, or a printer, or many many other possible devices.

In the middle are special devices that only pass messages back and forth. These are called routers and switches. (Not to be confused with Nintendo Switches.)

When you type, for example, “” into your browser, your device contacts its “gateway” device (if you’re at home, usually a “router”, whether a separate device or built into your modem) and says “I want to talk to ‘’.” *

Wi-Fi is one of the ways that your device can make this connection and send and receive traffic; unless you have Wi-Fi or another option available, you can’t make this connection and therefore can’t internet.

*: If you want to actually see the path of devices, you can open up the Windows command line and type `tracert`. (On Linux (and probably Mac, too), try either `tracepath` or `traceroute`.)

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