How does the Mandela Effect work?? There are so many examples of this, it’s actually freaky.


For anyone who doesn’t know what it is: “This involves mistakenly recalling events or experiences that have not occurred, or distortion of existing memories.”

Like remembering “Looney Toons”, but it was always “Looney Tunes”.

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s all based on stuff that is similar to something else you’d think if you didn’t ‘know’

Like you remember the name Looney Tunes, but you were a little kid, so you didn’t notice the pun ‘Tunes’ but they were cartoons, and later on there were Tiny Toon Adventures …so when you recall it later, Looney Toons makes sense.

Same with Berenstain Bears… ‘stain’ isn’t a common name ending, ‘stein’ is. So you fill in the more common name ending, odds are some adult even pronounced it like that when you were a kid.

Almost all of them are examples like that

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