How does the Mandela Effect work?? There are so many examples of this, it’s actually freaky.


For anyone who doesn’t know what it is: “This involves mistakenly recalling events or experiences that have not occurred, or distortion of existing memories.”

Like remembering “Looney Toons”, but it was always “Looney Tunes”.

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of it seems to be ‘crosswiring’ in my opinion.

To take your example of Looney Tunes, it’s a cartoon, and ‘Toons’ is a common shortening of that (like Who Framed Roger Rabbit), plus it already has the double O in ‘Looney’, plus it wasn’t heavily music focused, so it seems to make sense that a lot of people would think ‘Toons’ makes more sense, especially if they haven’t actually seen it in years.

Humans aren’t that great at remembering stuff, I mean excluding people with a photographic memory, we forget almost all of our own lives, we forget most of what we read and hear, I mean we can spend hundreds of hours studying for a simple exam and forget large parts of the material. We make a lot of shortcuts in memory, and replacing things and filling in the gaps with what seems to make sense is a large part of that.

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