How does the umbilical cord provide all essential functions for a baby while in utero?


It’s on the baby’s stomach. How does it make air get into its lungs? The placenta is filled with fluids and stuff, so how does the baby breathe with a thing connected to it’s stomach? It also provides food, but how?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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Your lungs are only needed to get oxygen from outside your body, to inside your body, where it’s promptly dumped into your blood.

Your digestive track is only needed to break down food and extract the nutrients, where it’s then promptly dumped into your blood.

The mother’s body has already done most of the hard work. Her blood already has all the oxygen and nutrients. The placenta is where the the mother’s blood gives all of that to the babies blood, and then the babies blood travels back to the baby through the umbilical cord.

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