How does the world get richer?


If a poor country in Africa becomes rich, wouldn’t they need to get money elsewhere? Thus making the other place more poor?

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10 Answers

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What happens is that, let’s assume a pen sells for one dollar: if you make 1000 pen a month you earn 1000 a month. If you make a better machine and now you produce 2000 a month, you earn 2000 a month.

The more the world gets able to produce the more wealth there is to share. Then money is a sort of measuring device. On a big scale, you can assume that as the value a man produces goes up, his salary goes up. But money is an arbitrary unit of measurement. Let’s say, it’s an ok method like measuring a distance in steps is. It is not precise, you may change the measurement by walking differently (currencies) steps get shorter or longer based on how fit you are that day (inflation). But yeah on a big scale the world gets richer because it produces more.

About countries earth: What is happening is that the gap between poor and rich countries is becoming smaller; it’s still big tho.

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