How does the world run?


Hi everyone.
I’m a teenager and I’m not an expert on any kind of building/farming etc.
Neither of my parents work a manual job. No one of my friend aspires to have a manual job. Not many of their parents have a manual job.
I’m even talking job like tailor, electrician, plumber.
So acutally who does all the farming, electrician, plumbing and maintenance in the city if not many aspire to these and if few open shops jobs nor want to learn?

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just an accident of your relative isolation at this stage in your life.

Literally every friend of mine has a non-desk job. And except for the tailor, I have a friend or three in each of the métiers you listed, plus a half-dozen more. And some of them make *very* good money.

When you are old enough I encourage you to become an afternoon Happy Hour regular at some small-town neighborhood bar. I guarantee white-collar workers will be few and far between. And hopefully you’ll make a lot of useful friendships!

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