How does therapy actually work, how do you find a good one, and what’s the difference between counseling/therapy/psychiatrists/psychologists/etc.?


How does therapy actually work, how do you find a good one, and what’s the difference between counseling/therapy/psychiatrists/psychologists/etc.?

In: Other

33 Answers

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A psychologist has more assessment-based training. They specialize in providing assessments and interpreting assessments. While counselors specialize in the therapeutic process and specific interventions. Counselors can do assessments just like psychologists can do therapy, it’s just that each profession specializes in one aspect of the field more than the other.

Both can assign diagnoses, but psychologists typically are sought out for this due to the in depth testing they can provide.

Psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in mental health. They are the only mental health professionals who can prescribe medication so they are highly sought after, expensive, and often the demand from patients far exceeds the supply of doctors. Counselors and psychologists can oversee the impact of medication and make recommendations, but only a doctor can prescribe.

The terms counseling and therapy are typically used interchangeably nowadays. In some cases, therapy is thought of as more formal or for more severe psychological issues.

When seeking counseling, a good place to start is looking at your health insurance and what they cover. Then, look for a counseling center that takes your insurance. If they have a website, they may have a list of professionals that note what they specialize in (I.e age groups, topics, type of therapy).

The key is to find a therapist/counselor that is a good fit for you. If you aren’t comfortable with them, it will be difficult to make progress. Ask them questions just like you would a doctor or any other person you are choosing to be on your “team.” Ask them how this works, how they like to do sessions, how they’d help you reach only our goal, etc. The first step is just trying it out and seeing how you feel. You don’t have to discuss anything that makes you uncomfortable and you can go at your own pace. You can stop and start at anytime.

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