How does therapy actually work, how do you find a good one, and what’s the difference between counseling/therapy/psychiatrists/psychologists/etc.?


How does therapy actually work, how do you find a good one, and what’s the difference between counseling/therapy/psychiatrists/psychologists/etc.?

In: Other

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

People used to talk to me about therapy work when I was studying psychology and doing PhD. I never had any training in therapy during 6 years of psychology study. We were just doing experiments. We would touch on mental health and other issues, but usually it was through the lens of what does someone’s issues tell us about how mind actually works? So a psychologist is not always a trained therapist. I would be terrible at that too, I get social anxiety around someone in need. All psychologists from my uni who wanted to be therapists had to go to clinical psychology training and masters route, for actual application of knowledge and therapy skills.

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