How does therapy actually work, how do you find a good one, and what’s the difference between counseling/therapy/psychiatrists/psychologists/etc.?


How does therapy actually work, how do you find a good one, and what’s the difference between counseling/therapy/psychiatrists/psychologists/etc.?

In: Other

33 Answers

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There’re many type of mental illness as well as therapy for them but for example, therapy can teach you control your emotions better, reform the way of your thinking, exercise that reduce stress or unwanted behavior,…

Counseling: you ask a professional for advice

Therapy: you work on your therapist’s plan to resolve your problem.

Psychiatrist: Psychology Doctor that can give prescription. (usually for really grave disorder that can’t be helped with therapy or need monitoring ex: schizophrenia)

Psychologist: Psychology expert, can’t give prescription. Can do therapy. (for thing like stress, depression, phobia)

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