how does unionisation work and what does it do that threatens corporations?


Random excerpt: in “The Office”, the warehouse crew wanted to unionise and Jan from corporate shuts it down by threatening to fire them. What can the unionisation of workers do and if it’s that important, how can corporations make it optional?

In: Other

10 Answers

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When you negotiate for your salary, you have two options: accept the offered salary, or quit. If you quit, the company loses one worker, which (unless you have a very, very specialized skill) will not be difficult to replace.

If you’re in a union, you all negotiate for your salary *together*, so you have *three* options: accept the offered salary, quit, or go on strike.

If a large enough portion of the workers are unionised and go on strike, this can shut down the company. This means unionised workers have more power, and get paid more.

Company owners do not want that, because they want to pay workers as little as possible.

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