how does unionisation work and what does it do that threatens corporations?


Random excerpt: in “The Office”, the warehouse crew wanted to unionise and Jan from corporate shuts it down by threatening to fire them. What can the unionisation of workers do and if it’s that important, how can corporations make it optional?

In: Other

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unions purpose, among other things, is to negotiate with employers for what’s called a collective bargaining agreement. Employees pay dues for inclusion in the union, and as a result the union guarantees certain working conditions. Usually has to do with base pay and periodic cost of living increases, insurance coverage, paid time off, that kind of thing. Unions are also useful when people get fired for no reason. That might otherwise be legal, but the union may be able to reverse that decision.

Corporations feel threatened by unions because they lose control over things like pay scale. They also lose the generally looming “don’t piss the boss off if you want to keep your job” attitude.

As for firing people who unionize, that’s blatantly illegal. Walmart chose to close a store in the US when its employees unionized, for example. They couldn’t fire them all and start over and they weren’t willing to work with a union, so they had no choice but to shut that location down.

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