How does your body know when a wound is fully healed and when to stop healing?


How does your body know when a wound is fully healed and when to stop healing?

In: Biology

12 Answers

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Your body has essentially three phases of wound healing.

1. Alarm phase where cells involved in the tissue damage release signaling molecules that recruit other cells to get their ass over and help stem bleeding and kill microbes.

2. Resolving phase where recruited cells begin to transition from an activated defense state to laying down new tissue and clearing debri

3. Resolution phase where final touches are put on the wound site and scab like tissue is transformed into normal or scar tissue.

The transition between these phases is largely determined by what the cells see in the wound site. If microbe or damage persists, phase one may be longer and more intense. If wound is broken open or aggravated, phase two may be longer etc.

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