How does your stomach “know” when to pass food on if more food keeps entering during initial digestion?


So if the steak dinner in your stomach was just about “finished” processing and ready to pass to the next organ, what happens when a beer and a bowl of pretzels enters the mix? Does the stomach suddenly go “dammit man we were *just* about to move on! Now I’ve got to start *all over again*!” and start reprocessing? Or are the new food objects just left undigested and lumped in with the rest of the food clump that is passed on?

In: 27

9 Answers

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A key role of the stomach is to store food and slowly release it into the small intestine, kind of like a funnel. The stomach also releases some chemicals that breakdown food while it’s sitting in the stomach. The intestines are where most of the nutrients are pulled out the food and into your body.

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