How exactly can the US national student loan debt be eliminated?


I’m really not trying to start a debate, I just want to understand why there is a dilemma, and how exactly it would work if passed.

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12 Answers

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there is one quirk that exists specifically for student debt in the US that doesnt exist for other kinds of debt: it cannot be discharged by bankruptcy procedures.

allowing this debt to be eliminated would start with removing this restriction to allow the debtors to restructure it in a more manageable form/liquidate it. As these loans are also governement backed the creditor that would lose money would primarly be the state.

there is resistence for this because, doing it this way means future student loans have to be much more discrminatory as to who actually needs them(which in turn placespressure on colleges as a whole ot lower tuition rate…this would be a good thing, if college wasnt such a massive business certain groups want ot protect)

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