How exactly do video game developers adapt their games’ programming for different types of consoles/platforms?


Is there some form of re-usable asset/programing templates involved? And what happens if a new platform releases unexpectedly? (Like the Steamdeck)

What is the process and how do they stay up to date?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The compilers do much of the work.The code that programmers has to be translated to instructions that the console’s processors can execute, so a lot of it boils down to how it’s translated/compiled.

It’s a lot easier nowadays since consoles are running AMD chips that are not much different from a PC. Even the best compilers require programmers to bear in mind some of the differences between various architectures. If consoles and PCs run very similar hardware though, there’s fewer differences to account for. There’s still some platform-specific tweaking that needs to be done, but far less than there were in previous generations when consoles were completely different from PCs.

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