– How exactly does lactose free milk/dairy products work?


I have always had issues with dairy, but I’ve tried lactose free milk lately, and I am totally fine incorporating it into my diet. So, how does it work? Obviously there aren’t lactose cows and lactose free cows out there. What’s the process the dairy products go through to remove the lactose?

In: 3

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Obviously there aren’t lactose cows and lactose free cows out there

~~They’re just next to the brown ones that give chocolate milk.~~

The actual explanation is lactose is a type of sugar.
In the body it is broken down by an enzyme, but people stop producing this enzyme sometimes and end up lactose intolerant.

Lactose free milk can be made in 2 ways, one of which is adding the enzyme to the milk already so it breaks the lactose down before being drank. It can also be physically removed with filters.

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