How exactly does schizophrenia start and develop?


What exactly happens in the brain?

In: Biology

5 Answers

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You don’t get schizophrenia… you’re born with it.

So I’m going to treat your question as: When do you start to see the symptoms of schizophrenia and what are the call signs?

You can actually see symptoms occur in any stage of a persons life. From childhood to late adulthood; although most recorded starts of schizophrenia occurs mid teen to early adulthood, we actually can’t conclusively give you a point in life that says… Yes this is when it occurs. Symptoms generally are…

* Delusions
* Hallucinations
* Disorganized speech
* catatonic behavior
* emotional numbness.

And not your average joe kind of examples of emotional numbness or delusions… No to the level that it is severely impacting your life. You cannot go home because your mind is telling you your parents are trying to kill you kind of level.

Unfortunately nobody can tell you conclusively everything that happens in your brain as a result of schizophrenia… We aren’t quite there yet. But we can say there is evidence that shows the following.

* There is a sudden change in the structure of white and grey matter in the brain.
* There is deterioration in grey matter in the brain.
* There is progressive ventricular enlargement.

All of which boils down to… There are rather dramatic changes to the structure of the brain as a result of schizophrenia. Why this happens… or how this truly impacts a person… or will reversing changes lead to symptom relief… Those are all projects in the work to my knowledge.

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