How exactly does underwater pressure work?


It doesn’t actually cause humans to get crushed “like empty cans of of soda” right?

In: 3

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have a question.

If i take a gulp of air at the surface and start to descend, my lungs start to shrink as the pressure compresses them,

so in theory, if I took a full breath at the surface, went down X distance, i could breath in from a resperator without exhaling, and go down X distance and breath in again without exhaling, and so on.

Right, so now I’m way down below. If I exhaled all that I had into a balloon and rose to the top, I my balloon would get bigger and bigger and bigger.

Similarly, if I used my resperater under the pressurized depths to blow up another balloon of the exact same size, that is 1 full breath of air, right? it is.

So as I rise tot he surface, that balloon gets bigger and bigger and bigger.

Now i’m at the surface with a gigantic balloon. It’s tripled in size!

I try to inhale the air directly from my resperator from the balloon. I can’t do it! It’s 3 times my lung capacity!

Does it still only contain 1 normal breath’s worth of air? Like, i’d have to take all 3 breaths from the balloon to equal 1 breath of normal atmospheric air???

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