How GPT solve logic and math problems


My very limited understanding of GPT is that it’s basically a text generator. Why and how could it solve logic and math problems? Or is it just an emergent ability from LLM that nobody understands?

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14 Answers

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It doesn’t solve a logic/math problem anymore than your brain solves the calculus behind the trajectory of a baseball.

LLM algorithms are pattern matching algorithms. They take a bunch of initial states and a bunch of ending states and builds a statistical model that it can use to extrapolate answers from based on the initial state. You feed a new initial state to the LLM and it looks for the ending state that is most likely.

All of these AI/ML uses are the result of emergent ability from a relatively “simple” process. Modern AI/ML tools just do it at an absolutely massive scale that makes it impractical (not impossible) for a human to pick apart because it involves the tedious process of examining how millions/billions of data points individually changes the statistical model.

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