How has chiropractic care become trusted in mainstream medicine?

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I’m a medical worker, and I’ve been trying to read about the history of chiropractice. It’s fascinating to me how the field was started as a spiritual practice. But with the background of chiropractic care being challenged by modern science, and spinal manipulation being disproven to have any benefits, how is chiro so mainstream today? It’s covered by health insurance, even though medical researchers are regularly publishing data that disproves the benefits. DISCLAIMER: IM NOT TRYING TO HATE ON ANYTHING, I’m genuinely interested in the history and how the practice became so mainstream with a somewhat unsteady foundation.

In: Biology

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Trusted ? By the medical establishment? I wouldn’t say that. Chiropractors are routinely mocked.

Patients ? Some trust chiropractors more, but others go to chiropractors because they’re desperate and not getting help from the medical establishment. Chiropractors are more accessible. Its easy to get an appointment. And it doesn’t take months of phone calls, begging for referrals, thousands of dollars, waiting for appointments with doctors who will just send you to other doctors before any treatment can begin, and delays by the insurance company who hopes you’ll get better or die before they have to pay for anything.

A “good” chiropractor is going to listen to your concerns, evaluate you on the first visit, tell you if you’re standing straight and walking evenly, etc. They’ll suggest basic stretches and strengthening you can do at home ( whether they’re qualified to do that…… decide ). The Chiropractor will tell you all this, and tell you costs and “treatment” options, on the very first visit. You don’t get that at a doctors office. And – chiropractors usually have machines that gently decompress and stretch your spine in their office – something that provides immediate but temporary relief for many back pain sufferers. They’ll suggest back supports and neck braces ( again – whether they’re qualified or not to do that… decide). A good chiropractor will tell you if you they can’t treat you and you need to see a specialist. A bad one….well………we know how that ends. To a lay person, its all the same. Everyone knows bad doctors too.

If the subject of chiropractors is interesting to you, take a look at D.O.s. Osteopathic doctors have a lot in common with chiropractors, plus their own weird history and practices.

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