How Horses Survive On Grass?


I drive by several fields of horses on my way to/from work, and i’ve always wondered… how to they they get that muscular with no protein? Sure owned horses might get a special feed that isn’t just grass, but wild horses don’t have access to that. As far as I’m aware, they just eat grass. Maybe the occasional fruit if they stumble upon one. Seems like an extremely low-nutrient, low-calorie, low-protein food for such a massive, muscular animal.

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5 Answers

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“how can you be as strong as an ox without eating meat?”

“have you ever seen an ox eat meat?”

There’s tons of energy and protein in plants. Grass is extremely hard to digest, only some animals can break them down. Think about how cows chew their food, swallow, digest, then regurgitate it to chew again before fully digesting it. Also, they basically eat *all day long* so are bringing in a large volume.

Humans can technically get all of their proteins from plants too, but it’s way easier to eat a steak than 30lbs of grass every day. Obviously there’s better grains/vegetables than grass for us out there but you get my point.

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