how, if black holes don’t reflect light, how we saw one


how, if black holes don’t reflect light, how we saw one

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can’t see the black hole itself, but you can see stuff around it. The high gravity makes matter around the black hole spin around it quickly and rip apart, spewing matter out around it. You can also “see” where a black hole is by looking at how the gravity affects other objects near it. Just like our planet travels in a near-circle because of the sun, we can see objects moving in trajectories that couldn’t happen unless there was a nearby black hole.

In the future we may be able to “look at” black holes better by detecting Hawking radiation, but it’s beyond our current capabilities. Black holes naturally “evaporate” and spit out particles, those particles we call Hawking Radiation. The problem is that any reasonably large black hole doesn’t spit out enough for us to detect from such a long distance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The black hole isn’t being directly observed what we can see is what is known as the accretion disk. The accretion disk is the planetary debris and stellar dust that orbits a black hole, as this debris spirals in towards the black hole it accelerates and heats up and that in turn means that it gives off electromagnetic radiation which can just about be observed from Earth. –

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blackhole is like a drain hole of a bath tub.

Water that is heading straight to the center of the hole is lost at once.

Water that heads towards the edge spirals around a few times and then falls through.

Water that’s heading for the outer fringes can circle around halfway and then keep on heading away from the hole.

Replace water with literally everything. Including Light.

Matter orbiting around the hole that didn’t get sucked all the way in emits light as a result being being ripped and rubbed apart + bright stellar matter of what were once stars.

Also some of the light coming from directly behind the black hole circled around halfway and headed for us.

We see this wobbly image around a dark center created by all this light and discern the features of the hole.

Anonymous 0 Comments

i was always told that black holes have extreme amount of gravity and enough pull in light. and the way you can locate a black hole is to study the star’s movements and if a good portion of the stars are moving irregularly, its because the ray of sunlight is being distorted by the tug of the black hole’s gravity.