When my son was a baby, they diagnosed him with a form of Primary Immune Deficiency Disorder (PIDD). I remember they told me and my wife that PIDD have an association with Autoimmunity, so we might want to prepare for the future, but it will took quite long. It didn’t. He got his first Autoimmune reaction at the age of 4.
I took that on a note, but my brain truly could not understand how a low and impaired immune system can causes Autoimmunity, when Autoimmunity is a condition where your immune system is overdrive? (I’m a layperson, please correct me).
Anyway, my son passed away, but I just still need to know. Please explain like I’m 5!
In: Biology
Autoimmune disorders are when your immune system attacks your own body. Auto means self, so it’s a self-attacking immune system.
Your immune system marks foreign cells like viruses or bacteria as dangerous, and then it sends white blood cells to attack the marked cells. Sometimes non-foreign cells get marked as dangerous, and the white blood cells end up attacking the body. That’s an autoimmune disorder.
Overdrive doesn’t necessarily mean it’s really strong; it’s just getting the wrong messages and sending out soldiers when they’re not needed.
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