How important is it to stretch after sport? Almost all the fittest people I know never do cool downs after training and such.


How important is it to stretch after sport? Almost all the fittest people I know never do cool downs after training and such.

In: Biology

8 Answers

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You can get away with just about anything when you are young. That doesn’t make it right.

Cool downs are important after very strenuous training, but not necessary every time you train. It never hurts though. There may be other reasons, but the primary function is to maintain increased blood flow and movement to give lactic acid time to flush out of your muscles.

Stretching is very important because flexibility is arguably the most important factor in injury prevention. It is generally accepted that you shouldn’t do intensive static stretching before activity, but you don’t need to do it immediately after either. That’s just a convenient time because you are already warmed up.

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