How in chess notation one decides what mark put on a move like if it’s a strong move (!), weak move (?) very strong move (!!) or very weak move (??) if the game is not ended yet? A move could appear weak but actually leads to a strong sequence


How in chess notation one decides what mark put on a move like if it’s a strong move (!), weak move (?) very strong move (!!) or very weak move (??) if the game is not ended yet? A move could appear weak but actually leads to a strong sequence

In: Other

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Been playing Chess for 35 years. I’ve never seen a blunder (??) ever turn out to be a good move. Each move can be annotated based on the position at that moment. Chess is mathematical and each move is calculated based on its probability of winning, losing or drawing. If you’re playing a weak move that leads to a better sequence then mathematically you have not made the best move to lead to that better sequence. For example; you made 3 moves by three different pieces and gave Checkmate, however you could’ve used two pieces and one less move to deliver a quicker mate. Chess is a game of tempos and the more precise move shaves tempo and helps deliver a quicker favorable game. Think of the “?” as there is a better move that could’ve been made.

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