Heritability isn’t always genetic/biological. One of the most consistently inheritable traits is sport team loyalty. I don’t think I have literal niners fandom in my genes.
Gifted children I’ve encountered have had parents who can afford to give time and resources to their children. Maybe there is some genetic component but it would be wrong to ignore environmental factors.
Also intelligence as a single factor or metric is kinda silly. IQ is bogus and we all know people who couldn’t do calculus or write a good paper but could fix your car with duct tape and some twigs, are those people not smart?
I went to uni as a mechanical engineer and sooooo many of those kids were math wizards with high GPA but couldn’t understand why a 5mm shaft stuck into a 5mm blind hole that is expected to spin at 5000+ rpm is a dog shit design.
Being smart is in your hands, keep asking questions, keep looking for better answers. Accept that you don’t know nothing and that’s ok. The quest for knowledge is where genius lies.
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