How is a word created? How does it become a generally accepted term by a population?


How is a word created? How does it become a generally accepted term by a population?

In: Culture

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

From POV of a schizophreniac with perhaps thousands of neologisms… a fellow will find making the word is the easy part. Harder is to to get them to overcome their miscalors unto him and to use the words themselves.

To that end, more acceptable than the purest neologisms, such as *quark* or whatever keyboard spam, easier are the derivations, the lowest liberties, the *neologoses*. For example, as the dominant does dominate, the *complicant* does complicate. Shouldn’t they? Wouldn’t you be more willing to use that word than, say, *schlarf* for that purpose? Did you even need a definition?

There is something which when tasteful is called poetry, and when tasteless and helplessly overdone is called psychiatric *clanging*. To put words together satisfied only that at the intersection of sound and feeling, they’re *right* together. It is a schizophrenicē, if not as quantifiable as its direct consequence in the plurality of neologisms that schizophrenics produce.

But quantifiable or not, it may helps them produce the best words of all.

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