How is a word created? How does it become a generally accepted term by a population?


How is a word created? How does it become a generally accepted term by a population?

In: Culture

6 Answers

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Not a language expert. But i assume that our earliest ancestors needed to communicate. What started off as grunts or sounds needed to become more complex to actually describe what they were trying to communicate to each other. Eventually rules were made to help everybody understand each other and language developed from there.

English as a language is a mash up of many different languages, with words that have their origin in all sorts of ancient and more modern languages.

Nowadays words are either made my mashing words together or modifying already existent words (think spork) or just making up a new word and if enough people use it and it catches on, then that’s a word.

Scientific words are often based on latin or Greek origins, or named after the discoverer or something important to the discoverer.

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