How is diatomaceous earth a “pet friendly” solution to pest control, yet it’s recommended not to breathe it in? 1.36K viewsJune 17, 2024BiologyOther Question100.55K June 17, 2024 0 Comments If I applied it to my home my pets would definitely smell it at least once and inhale it. So how exactly is it pet-safe? Trying to find the best solution to get rid of some cockroaches I found in my bathroom without endangering my 3 cats. In: Biology 13 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted June 17, 2024 0 Comments Because it’s effectively ground up sea shells usually so relatively non-toxic to humans but still not exactly the best thing to inhale Sand isn’t particularly toxic to humans either but if there was a cloud of it in the air I probably wouldn’t want to breathe it in you feel me You are viewing 1 out of 13 answers, click here to view all answers. Register or Login
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