How is Google Maps so fast?


So I am searching for a few addresses on the Google Maps website and I noticed that its results are almost instantaneous! I am not even typing these addresses, just copy-pasting them on the search bar. Then I noticed when I use the google maps app for navigation, it loads so fast and almost every thing on it is real-time like traffic and breakdowns and the rest. Even the direction where it uses the camera to point which direction to go when walking.

How is Google managing to load things this fast? Its mind boggling!

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Money. Lots and lots of money. A stupid amount of money. Google is absolutely massive and has all the funds they could possibly need to have very powerful servers and pay really smart devs to make really efficient apps. The real-time aspect is also aided by the fact that so many users are on the Google platform; they can use live data from their users to update traffic conditions quite reliably.

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