How is it possible for a vertical screen to pick up more dust than a horizontal keyboard on my laptop, even when it is powered off?


How is it possible for a vertical screen to pick up more dust than a horizontal keyboard on my laptop, even when it is powered off?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I feel like this would have to do with 2 things, perception and how you use each.

Perception: You’re staring at the screen for long periods of time so you’re more likely to notice any little things like dust that are wrong with it, plus a powered off laptop screen generally is black or close to black, while my keyboard is more of a grey color, meaning dust sticks out a lot easier on the screen.

Use: Every time you touch to use it your keyboard you’re disturbing, moving, and picking up the dust that is settling on it, while how often do you really touch the screen?

Anonymous 0 Comments

The screen generates static electricity that attracts dust. Also, you’re constantly typing on your keyboard, which knocks the dust off before it accumulates.