how is it possible for NASA to establish a signal/connections so far in outer space but we can’t find signals in certain rooms in our homes?


how is it possible for NASA to establish a signal/connections so far in outer space but we can’t find signals in certain rooms in our homes?

In: Physics

10 Answers

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There are two main reasons for this.

The first is simply a matter of the quality of equipment, NASA has a budget in the billions and uses transmission equipment that requires acres of land. That equipment is designed with an effectively unlimited budget to send a signal to mars. Your Wifi router is designed to cost less than $100, fit on an end table and do the best it can within those parameters.

The second is the fact that it’s in space, which is filled with, well space. Your house has walls, which block signal, and those walls have wiring and other metal components, which severely block signal, whether it be from Wifi or cell towers. This is why a metal shed, even with thin walls, tends to wreck cell reception. NASA has (almost) perfect line of sight through space to whatever it is trying to contact because there is (almost) nothing in space between it to distort or block the signal, so even though it takes time to travel over the distance, it’s much more comparable to you standing outside for cell signal or within line of sight to your wifi router.

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