how is it possible for NASA to establish a signal/connections so far in outer space but we can’t find signals in certain rooms in our homes?


how is it possible for NASA to establish a signal/connections so far in outer space but we can’t find signals in certain rooms in our homes?

In: Physics

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

NASA can afford a large electricity bill. Lower bill would definitely be great since congress likes cutting their funding, and they definitely do their best to lower it, but what needs to be done will be done.

Space is pretty empty. Not much to block the signal.

They know where the signal needs to go or is coming from. They can point their satellite dishes exactly where they need to be. We could put motorized satellite dishes on our routers and track our phones, but that’d just be ridiculously expensive and fragile.

Not many people are trying to communicate with things in deep space, so the airwaves aren’t exactly crowded.

NASA’s stuff don’t need to look nice. They can be as clunky as they need to be to function. All of our devices are hiding their antennas so we can have nice, neat rectangles.

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