How is it possible for some humans to hold their breath for +6 minutes, when the average human can only hold it for app. 1 minute?


I was watching this documentary on free diving, and was wondering how it was possible for these guys to hold their breath for so long compared to every one else

In: 542

22 Answers

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It pretty much all comes down to training. The average person can’t run a 4 minute mile, but if someone trains in a very specific way, then it can be done. The average person can’t deadlift 1000 lbs, but the world record is like 1100 lbs because deadlifters train specifically to lift insane amounts of weight.

There are a lot of breathing exercises that can be done in order to increase your lung capacity. And to be clear, holding your breath isn’t just taking a deep breath and *holding* it all in. You need to slowly and steadily exhale the carbon dioxide throughout the process, otherwise you could elevate your blood pressure and/or heart rate to dangerous levels.

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