: How is it possible to gain weight overnight ?


Last night I used my scale and saw that I was 92.7 Kgs. Right after that I went to bed, slept a good 8 hours without waking up and without eating or drinking anything.

This morning, I stepped back on the scale after peeing. It showed 93.2 Kgs.

How is that possible considerating I had 0 food / liquid intake between my two measurements ?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It clearly isn’t. Household scales are not calibrated to be precise to the gram, nor are they reliable especially after prolonged use, so you’ll always get some measurement error. If you really want to improve the precision, do a number of readings (like 5-10), weigh yourself, note the weight, repeat, then average your weight and note the discrepancy from the average (σ^2). So now you have the average variance you can use for every measurement afterwards (in both directions +/-).

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