Concerns about possible transmission to people drinking unpasteurized milk are being talked about a lot. Apparently they fed mice unpasteurized milk, and they got the virus, but it seems like the temperature required to kill. The virus is higher than what they used to sterilize the milk. How is this safe?
In: Biology
Because 165 is the instant kill temp
The reason for listing an instant kill temp is similar to the reason why they don’t bear proof garbage cans and stuff in national parks, because humans are really really dumb sometimes and the amount of overlap between smart bears and dumb humans makes it pointless to bear proof garbages because then it would also be dumb human proof
So since theirs a significant amount of humans that would not understand the idea of cook times and such to kill bacteria at lower temps it’s better to go with the one that doesn’t need an ELI5 and just say 165 kills it that was their dumb ones don’t give themselves avian flu… well don’t give themselves it as easily
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