How is it that bugs/insects are able to produce such incredibly audible sounds especially in the open air?


How is it that bugs/insects are able to produce such incredibly audible sounds especially in the open air?

In: 11

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By rubbing their wings/legs/other special body parts together.

Have you ever taking a xylophone and just run the stick up and down the bars.

Or ever used those two pieces of wood with all the bumps on them that you scrap together?

Most insects make noise in the exact same way, they rub certain body parts together that cause vibrations that we then hear as noise.

For example, crickets chirping comes from when male crickets rub their a specific part of their wings together called a Scraper, that causes them to vibrate and make that chirping noise.

And any time you hear an insect buzzing, thats usually due to just how rapidly they are flapping their wings to stay in the air.