How is it that lithium batteries store electricity?


How is it that lithium batteries store electricity?

In: 2

4 Answers

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In a battery you have an anode, cathode, and electrolyte.

The anode and cathode are tanks, and the electrolyte is contains ions/”air” that moves between them.

In a Lithium Ion battery, the electrolyte contains lithium salts, such as lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6).

I will improperly write this salt as Li-FP6 to simplify it.

When electricity is applied to the Li-FP6 it splits in half into Li and FP6 which are called ions.

The Li ion holds a positive charge and the FP6 ion holds a negative charge.

The anode is negative, the cathode is positive.

As a result the anode attracts the Li, the Cathode attracts the FP6.

When the battery is used, the ‘odes strip the Li and FP6 of their charge.

The FP6 and Li fall off the ‘odes and go back into the electrolyte. I’m the electrolyte that combine back into Li-FP6.

When you charge it, electricity flows through the electrolyte breaking Li-FP6 salt apart into Li and FP6 ions which then cling to the odes.

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