How is it that we can sometimes zone out and seem to go on “autopilot” while driving without crashing?


How is it that we can sometimes zone out and seem to go on “autopilot” while driving without crashing?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It could also be that you are not on “autopilot” from second to second but it feels like you had much less awareness of your surroundings than you did because no meaningful or non-ordinary events occurred so you didn’t create unique MEMORIES from the trip. Basically, hey everything’s fine most of this is normal why waste energy remembering a mundane drive when we can just dump it in a file with all the other “samey” drives to this locale.

Unique situations or problems you have to overcome build memories easier. Every decent vacation story/memory will describe problems lost luggage at the start, or failed reservation, jet lag(if it’s unusual for you), even hunting a gas station with friends.

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