How is it that we have 8 billion people on Earth, and yet it seems like almost all businesses and services are short-staffed?


How is it that we have 8 billion people on Earth, and yet it seems like almost all businesses and services are short-staffed?

In: 11

48 Answers

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The 8 Billion people are not all potential employees.

You need someone in the right place of the right age.

Of the 8 billion, a quarter (2 billion) are under the age of 15 and about 1 in 10 are 65 and over.

If your restaurant in the US is short-staffed it won’t help that there is a 90 year old in Japan or a 4 year old in Niger.

You need someone of the right age where the job is.

More importantly you need someone qualified for the job and willing to do the job for the money they are willing to pay.

The last part is often the biggest issue.

If the job pays less than it costs you to commute to work and get your child looked after while you are working, that is not something that makes sense to most people.

During the height of the pandemic lots of people were let go by their explorer and found something else to do in order to survive. Many found the new thing less stressful and more fulfilling than the old one and never came back.

Others left the workforce entirely and retired earlier than they would have if it hadn’t been for covid.

Some switched industries or decided to become self employed or stay at home to look after their children or work on the personal project they always wanted and many of those never came back.

Inflation means everything costs including labor. Many small businesses simply don’t have the money to pay for workers.

They say that nobody wants to works anymore while in truth nobody wants to work for what little they are offering.

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